Unlock your inner thoughts using an Enneagram

EnneagramPsychics are using all manner of methods to help unlock the inner thoughts of their subjects, with practices such as tarot readings or mediumship providing excellent ways of contacting the spirits on the other side. Another method is the enneagram, one of the diagrams first created by Pythagoras to help describe human consciousness.

A circle containing lines linking nine points, an enneagram can accurately uncover the hidden parameters which guide us through life, allowing us to pinpoint key moments and preconceptions which could potentially be the cause of your problem. The 9 points are perfectionist, supporter, impressionist, thespian, observer, detector, explorer, activist or harmonist, with each indicating an outlook, bias and essence to help guide you towards your issue.

If you want to know what the future holds in store, or perhaps need clarity on a situation currently affecting any aspect of your life, why not contact a spiritual expert for an online tarot reading today? An enneagram is just one of the tools they could use, allowing you to offload your problems and carry on living.

Image credit: Amphiareo (Wikimedia Commons)

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