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The zodiac symbol of aries


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

This can be a really great week for you. Tensions that have been hanging over the family can be resolved with a conversation. It's as though suddenly there is a change of mind set or a new perspective opening up making everything look brighter.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of taurus


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

The latter part of the week may be especially tense for you as you feel conflicted between what you want and what a partner or other family member wants or needs. The best thing to do is to consider what's best for all parties and compromise.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of gemini


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

This week is a good week for conversation. Around the middle of the week is a great time for bringing people together. Family, friends and a partner can see eye to eye perhaps for the first time.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of cancer


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

For the next few weeks, the focus is on finance. It's a great time to think about how to make the most of your income or even how to boost it. It's time to consider your skills. Can you improve these so that you can go for a better job or seek promotion? Do you have skills that you can turn into a small business? It’s time to find out.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of leo


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

High summer is your time of year. It's time to shine like the Sun, to be creative and generous. Others will enjoy your company and you'll attract new people into your life. In the midst of all the fun and excitement, remember to share the spot-light with others. Making them feel special can show Leo at its best.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of virgo


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

It's time to retreat. You tend to prefer to be busy and set very high standards for yourself. Yet everyone needs a rest. You can be in danger of becoming over-critical of yourself and circumstances. Take some time out to collect your thoughts and feelings, you'll be all the better for it.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of libra


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

The next few weeks are very social. It's a great time to be with friends. It's also a great time to join a club, widen your network and meet new people. This is very invigorating for you. You'll be at your best and have a wonderful time.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of scorpio


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

It seems that just as everyone is focused on their summer holidays, for you the emphasis is on work. This is the case for the next few weeks. It's a great time to take stock of your career and think about how you might advance it. It's your time to shine and impress.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of sagittarius


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

Yours is an expansive sign. This means that you are infinitely curious and love to learn. The next few weeks are about just that. Whether it's through visiting a foreign country or looking for a new course, you're in the mood to explore. Follow this instinct and you won’t regret it. Exploring feeds your soul.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of capricorn


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

The next few weeks are about intimacy. This could mean that your mind turns to sexy matters, but it could also mean that you are sharing some deep emotional experiences with others. You may find others opening up to you, sharing their secrets too. However it manifests, it can feel intense but also be a rich and rewarding time.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of aquarius


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

Relationships are the focus for the next few weeks. You may be spending more time with your partner. Areas in the relationship which need attention are now be highlighted. Careful thought and consideration are the keys to resolving areas of tension that might otherwise become serious problems.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20
The zodiac symbol of pisces


22nd Jul to 28th Jul

For the next few weeks the focus is on your routine. Are you eating properly, or getting enough rest? Are you working too hard? How can you safeguard your health with a busy lifestyle? These are the questions to be considering at this time.

For your live Tarot Reading call:

0203 362 8601
20mins=£16.80 40mins=£31.20 60mins=£43.20