The Justice Tarot Card Meaning


Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for introspection, guidance, and spiritual insight. Often regarded as a mirror of the subconscious mind, the Tarot deck contains rich symbolism and archetypes that resonate with human experiences and emotions. Each card holds a unique meaning, offering wisdom and clarity on life’s challenges, decisions, and personal growth. Whether used for divination or self-reflection, Tarot cards serve as a powerful medium to tap into intuition and gain perspective on the paths ahead.

The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. While the Minor Arcana deals with everyday events and challenges, the Major Arcana represents the significant, overarching themes of life. These 22 cards reveal profound spiritual lessons and transformative energies that shape our existence. They symbolise life’s larger journey, touching on universal truths, life-changing events, and deeper insights into our soul’s journey.

Within the Major Arcana, the Justice card holds a pivotal place, being the 11th card in the series. This card is a symbol of balance, fairness, and truth. It represents the natural law of cause and effect, reminding us that every action we take has consequences, and that fairness will ultimately prevail. Justice is often associated with legal matters, ethical decisions, and the need to evaluate situations with clarity and honesty. It also has deep connections to moral integrity and personal responsibility, urging us to make decisions with a sense of justice, both for ourselves and others.

In this blog, we will delve deeply into the Justice card, exploring its rich symbolism, meanings in both upright and reversed positions, and how it applies to different aspects of life, such as love, career, and personal growth. Whether you’re a seasoned Tarot reader or a curious beginner, this comprehensive guide will offer you a clear understanding of the Justice card and its significance in Tarot readings. By the end, you will have the tools to interpret this card in various contexts and understand its role in guiding you towards balance and fairness in your own life.


2. The Symbolism of the Justice Card

The Justice card in Tarot is one of the most visually striking cards in the Major Arcana, brimming with deep symbolism and meaning. Its imagery is a powerful reminder of the importance of balance, truth, fairness, and moral integrity. Each element of the card has been carefully chosen to convey these values, making it a rich source of insight during Tarot readings. Let’s break down the key symbols and their meanings.

The Figure of Justice

At the centre of the card sits the figure of Justice, often portrayed as a stern but serene figure. She is typically depicted sitting on a stone throne, wearing a crown, which symbolises authority, wisdom, and the impartial administration of justice. Her expression is calm, reflecting the need for measured, rational thinking when making decisions. Justice is often depicted as female, drawing on the archetype of Lady Justice found in ancient Greek and Roman mythology, where she embodies fairness, law, and the moral compass.

The Scales

In Justice’s left hand, she holds a set of scales, perfectly balanced, symbolising the careful weighing of evidence, truth, and fairness. The scales represent the idea that all sides must be considered before reaching a judgement. This symbol strongly ties into the concept of cause and effect, suggesting that actions have consequences, and justice must weigh both sides before a decision is made. The balanced scales also speak to the importance of equilibrium in life, urging us to seek harmony in our relationships, decisions, and personal choices.

The Sword

In Justice’s right hand, she holds an upright sword, symbolising truth and the power of reason. The sword, held upright, signifies the clarity and swiftness of justice; it cuts through confusion, dishonesty, and ambiguity, delivering objective truths. The sword’s double-edged nature reflects that justice can be both rewarding and punishing, depending on whether we have acted fairly or unjustly. This weapon also represents the authority to make difficult decisions, often those that require moral courage and ethical judgement.

The Throne

Justice sits on a stone throne, which is often depicted as solid and imposing, signifying the stability and permanence of justice. The throne’s solid foundation underscores the fact that justice is unwavering and impartial, rooted in the principles of law, fairness, and ethical standards. It is a reminder that justice is not arbitrary, but built on a foundation of truth, rationality, and fairness.

The Robes and Crown

Justice is usually depicted wearing a red or white robe, often trimmed with gold. The red of her robes symbolises action, passion, and the energy required to uphold justice. It serves as a reminder that justice is not passive—it requires active decision-making and, at times, swift action. The white, often seen in the veil or trim of her robe, symbolises purity and fairness, reflecting that justice must be untainted by bias or personal desire. The gold crown she wears signifies authority and enlightenment, highlighting her role as a figure who is both empowered and guided by higher wisdom.

The Veil and Pillars

Behind the figure of Justice, there is often a veil that hangs between two pillars, drawing parallels with the High Priestess card in the Major Arcana. The pillars symbolise the boundaries between the conscious and unconscious realms, suggesting that true justice requires consideration of both facts and deeper, unseen truths. The veil represents the idea that not everything is immediately visible; sometimes, deeper reflection is required to reveal hidden truths.

Colours and Their Meanings

In addition to the specific objects in the card, the colours used in the Justice card are significant. As mentioned earlier, red symbolises action and power, while white denotes purity, truth, and fairness. Often, we also see blue, which represents wisdom, intuition, and calmness, reinforcing the idea that decisions related to justice must be made with a cool, rational mind. Gold, typically associated with enlightenment and divine authority, suggests that the justice being served is aligned with a higher purpose or moral standard.

Zodiac Sign Libra and the Concept of Equilibrium

The Justice card is associated with the zodiac sign Libra, which is ruled by the planet Venus. Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, and fairness, perfectly reflecting the central themes of the Justice card. Librans are known for their diplomacy, desire for fairness, and ability to see multiple sides of an issue, all of which are critical traits for those seeking justice. Just like the scales depicted on the card, Libra’s energy encourages us to weigh options carefully, seeking equilibrium in all areas of life. This connection to Libra reinforces the idea that balance, fairness, and truth are at the core of the Justice card’s meaning.

Libra also represents partnerships and relationships, suggesting that fairness in interactions with others is just as important as the balance we seek within ourselves. In a Tarot reading, this association can serve as a reminder that fairness should be a guiding principle not just in legal matters, but in all interpersonal relationships and decisions.

The Overall Message

Taken together, the symbolism in the Justice card highlights the importance of truth, fairness, and accountability. Justice calls on us to act with integrity, to weigh all aspects of a situation before making decisions, and to take responsibility for our actions. Whether in the legal realm, relationships, or personal growth, Justice serves as a guide towards achieving balance and making ethical choices that benefit both ourselves and others.


3. Upright Justice Card Meaning

When the Justice card appears upright in a Tarot reading, it brings with it a powerful message of fairness, truth, and accountability. This card symbolises the universal law of cause and effect—what you have sown, you shall now reap. It is a reminder that the actions you take have consequences, and the decisions made now will impact your future. The Justice card encourages you to seek balance and to act with honesty, integrity, and a strong sense of morality.

Justice represents the principle of equilibrium, where all actions are weighed fairly. It calls for clarity and rational thinking when facing challenges or decisions, reminding you to consider both sides of the situation before reaching a conclusion. Upright Justice signals that things are aligning fairly, and if you’ve acted with integrity, fairness will prevail. However, it also warns that if dishonesty or unethical behaviour has been present, justice will be served accordingly.

Key Themes

The upright Justice card brings attention to several core themes:

  • Fairness: A need for objective judgement, ensuring that fairness and balance are restored.
  • Truth: Encourages transparency and honesty, both from yourself and others.
  • Law: Legal matters may be at play, and this card often suggests a fair resolution is on the horizon.
  • Balance: Maintaining harmony in all aspects of life by carefully weighing choices.
  • Accountability: A call to take responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences of past deeds.
  • Legal Matters: The card frequently points to legal contracts, lawsuits, or other formal agreements.

The upright Justice card can appear when you are asked to make a crucial decision, or when situations involving ethics and morality come to the forefront. It asks you to approach these matters from a place of balance and impartiality.

Love and Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the Justice card indicates a need for balance, fairness, and honesty. If you are in a relationship, the card may be urging you to ensure that both partners are treated equally and fairly, with mutual respect and understanding. It calls for honest communication to resolve any conflicts or imbalances in the relationship.

This card may also highlight the importance of weighing emotional dynamics, making sure that neither partner is dominating the relationship or being treated unfairly. If there have been arguments or disagreements, Justice advises you to take a step back and evaluate the situation with a clear and balanced perspective. Look at the issue from both sides before making a decision.

Additionally, the Justice card can signify legal matters related to relationships, such as marriage, divorce, or legal agreements like prenuptial contracts. If these issues are present, Justice suggests that a fair and balanced outcome is likely, as long as both parties approach the situation honestly and with integrity.

Career and Work

In career and work matters, the upright Justice card points to fairness in the workplace, ethical decisions, and the importance of maintaining balance. This card may suggest that you are about to face a significant evaluation, such as a performance review, job appraisal, or decision about a promotion. If you have worked hard and conducted yourself with integrity, the Justice card indicates that you will be rewarded fairly.

The card can also point to legal contracts or formal agreements in the workplace. If you’re negotiating a new job offer, signing a contract, or dealing with workplace disputes, the Justice card signals that the outcome will be just, and that fairness will prevail. It may also serve as a reminder to act with honesty and transparency in your professional life, ensuring that all decisions are made ethically.

Moreover, if you feel you have been treated unfairly at work, Justice suggests that you may soon see the situation rectified. This could involve a fair resolution of disputes or imbalances, such as being compensated for your efforts or addressing workplace discrimination or unfair treatment.

Finance and Money

When it comes to finance and money, the upright Justice card represents financial fairness and balance. If you have been responsible and ethical with your finances, the Justice card indicates that your financial situation will soon improve or remain stable. You may find yourself settling debts, receiving money owed to you, or handling legal financial matters such as inheritances, contracts, or disputes.

If you have financial decisions to make, such as investing or dealing with loans, Justice advises you to approach these choices with caution, ensuring you consider all sides and weigh the risks and benefits equally. Be honest with yourself about your financial situation and make decisions based on a balanced evaluation of your resources and responsibilities.

For those involved in legal disputes over money, such as lawsuits or inheritances, Justice signals that a fair resolution is likely. However, it also advises that you must remain transparent and act ethically in these matters to ensure that justice is served in your favour.

Personal Growth

In terms of personal growth, the upright Justice card is a call for self-reflection and accountability. It encourages you to look at your life and ask yourself whether you have been acting fairly and truthfully, both to others and to yourself. The card challenges you to take responsibility for your past actions and decisions, recognising that you are now dealing with the consequences of those choices.

Justice also asks you to strive for balance in your life, ensuring that you are not neglecting any aspect of your well-being. Whether it’s balancing work and personal life, emotional and rational decision-making, or giving and receiving in relationships, Justice reminds you that equilibrium is essential for your growth and happiness.

This card may appear when you are at a crossroads, requiring you to make an important decision. It urges you to act with integrity and fairness, considering both the short-term and long-term consequences of your actions. By embracing personal accountability and maintaining a balanced approach to life, the Justice card suggests that you can align yourself with truth and fairness, leading to personal empowerment and inner harmony.

The upright Justice card brings clarity, fairness, and balance to a reading. It reminds us of the importance of acting with integrity and truth in all areas of life, whether it’s in relationships, career, finances, or personal development. Its presence calls for accountability and careful consideration of the consequences of our actions, offering the promise of fairness and equilibrium when we act ethically.


4. Reversed Justice Card Meaning

When the Justice card appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it signals a departure from fairness and balance, indicating that dishonesty, injustice, or a lack of accountability is at play. The reversed Justice card suggests that there may be a refusal to take responsibility for one’s actions, or that ethical principles are being ignored. This card warns that imbalance, dishonesty, or unfair treatment may be creating instability in your life.

In the reversed position, Justice can also highlight unresolved issues, especially those involving legal matters or conflicts that have yet to be settled. It often serves as a call to examine where things have gone off balance, urging reflection on how dishonesty or lack of fairness might be affecting your relationships, work, finances, or personal growth. It may also signal that outcomes will be delayed or skewed due to unfair practices or hidden truths.

Key Themes

The reversed Justice card is associated with several key themes:

  • Dishonesty: Deception or lack of truthfulness, either from yourself or others.
  • Unfairness: A sense of injustice or unequal treatment, especially in important decisions.
  • Lack of Accountability: Avoiding responsibility for one’s actions, leading to imbalanced situations.
  • Legal Issues: Problems involving the law, contracts, or other legal matters that are not resolving in a fair way.
  • Imbalance: A general sense of things being out of harmony, requiring a reassessment of what is causing this discord.

This card can indicate that something is not right in a situation and may require you to address underlying issues of truth, fairness, or balance.

Love and Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Justice card often suggests that something is out of balance. There may be dishonesty between partners, unequal contributions, or unresolved disputes. One partner may be giving more than the other, or there may be a sense of being treated unfairly. This imbalance can lead to growing resentment, a lack of trust, and emotional distance.

Dishonesty is a central theme in reversed Justice, and it may indicate that someone is not being truthful—whether it’s about their feelings, their actions, or their intentions. It could also highlight that power dynamics are skewed, with one partner taking advantage of the other or exerting control unfairly.

If you’re experiencing disputes in your relationship, this card suggests that they may not be resolved in a fair or just manner. Rather than achieving balance and harmony, unresolved arguments may linger, creating a toxic environment. For couples going through legal processes like divorce or custody battles, the reversed Justice card can signify delays, unfair rulings, or additional legal complications.

Justice reversed urges you to reflect on the dynamics in your relationship: Are you being fair to your partner? Are they treating you with the respect and honesty you deserve? Is there a need to balance emotional give and take? A lack of transparency or fairness will need to be addressed to restore harmony.

Career and Work

In the context of career and work, the reversed Justice card often points to injustice in the workplace. This could manifest as unfair treatment from superiors, colleagues acting unethically, or even being wrongly judged in performance reviews or evaluations. You might feel like your efforts are going unrecognised, or worse, that you’re being blamed for things that are beyond your control.

The reversed Justice card can also suggest that workplace politics or unethical behaviour are at play, creating an environment of mistrust or dishonesty. This could involve colleagues who are undermining you, bosses who are playing favourites, or even legal disputes related to contracts or employment terms that are being handled unfairly.

Additionally, if you’re facing legal challenges in your career—such as lawsuits, contract disputes, or issues with compliance—the reversed Justice card warns that these may not resolve in your favour or could involve further complications. It advises you to ensure you have all the facts and documentation in place and to be extra cautious about ethical and legal matters at work.

This card may also reflect a personal lack of accountability at work. Are you avoiding responsibility for your actions, or are you blaming others for your mistakes? The reversed Justice card encourages introspection to ensure that your own ethical compass is properly aligned.

Finance and Money

In financial matters, the reversed Justice card indicates unfairness or dishonesty. It can signal that you may not be dealing with your finances in a balanced way, or that someone in your financial dealings is not being entirely honest. There could be hidden fees, unexpected costs, or legal issues tied to money, such as disputes over debts, inheritances, or financial contracts.

The card also highlights the need for caution in any financial dealings. If you’re entering into contracts, making investments, or dealing with loans, be wary of the fine print and make sure you fully understand the terms. The reversed Justice card warns of dishonesty in financial negotiations, so be extra vigilant about who you’re trusting with your money.

Additionally, if you’ve been dishonest with yourself about your financial situation—perhaps avoiding debts or overspending—this card is a wake-up call to confront the truth. Ignoring financial responsibilities can lead to bigger problems down the road, so the reversed Justice card advises you to reassess your financial habits and make more ethical choices moving forward.

Personal Growth

In terms of personal growth, the reversed Justice card points to a need for greater self-awareness and accountability. This card can signal that you’re avoiding taking responsibility for your actions or that you’re failing to acknowledge the consequences of your choices. It suggests that you may be struggling with internal imbalance, possibly due to ignoring important aspects of your life that need attention.

Justice reversed may also highlight dishonesty with yourself—whether you’re denying your true feelings, avoiding difficult decisions, or not being entirely truthful about your motivations. This lack of honesty can create internal discord, leading to feelings of frustration, stagnation, or imbalance.

The reversed Justice card encourages self-reflection. It asks you to look inward and evaluate whether your actions are aligned with your personal values. Are you being fair to yourself and others? Are you taking responsibility for the outcomes of your decisions? To restore balance in your life, it’s essential to confront these questions honestly and make necessary adjustments.

Additionally, this card can point to a lack of balance in other areas of your life—whether it’s between work and personal life, or between emotional and rational decision-making. The reversed Justice card suggests that something is out of alignment, and you need to address this imbalance to achieve personal growth and harmony.

The reversed Justice card serves as a warning that fairness, truth, and balance may be lacking in a particular situation. Whether in relationships, career, finances, or personal growth, this card asks you to confront dishonesty, unfair treatment, and unresolved issues. It emphasises the need for accountability and ethical behaviour, reminding you that while things may feel out of balance, they can be restored by facing the truth and making necessary adjustments.


5. Key Questions to Ask When Justice Appears

When the Justice card appears in a Tarot reading, it is often a call for introspection and evaluation of fairness, truth, and accountability in your life. This card invites you to examine your actions, decisions, and relationships to ensure that you are acting with integrity and balance. Here are some key questions you can ask yourself to gain deeper insight into the message Justice is offering:

1. Am I being fair to myself and others?

The Justice card asks you to reflect on the balance of fairness in your interactions. Consider whether you are treating others with respect and honesty, and if you are receiving the same in return. It also encourages self-compassion—are you being too hard on yourself, or are you neglecting your own needs in favour of others? This question pushes you to evaluate your relationships and interactions to ensure they are built on fairness and equality.

2. Are there any unresolved issues that need to be addressed?

Justice often appears when there are unresolved conflicts, whether personal, legal, or emotional, that need attention. This question encourages you to confront any lingering problems in your life that you may have been avoiding. It asks you to bring these issues into the light, deal with them honestly, and strive for closure and resolution. Whether it’s a conflict with another person, a legal matter, or an internal struggle, Justice signals that it’s time to face these issues head-on to restore balance.

3. What do I need to take responsibility for in my life?

The Justice card is closely tied to the concept of accountability. It urges you to examine your actions and decisions and take full responsibility for their consequences. This question prompts you to look at where you may have avoided responsibility or made choices that were not aligned with your values. It also encourages you to acknowledge any mistakes you’ve made and to take steps towards rectifying them. By taking responsibility, you align yourself with the principles of fairness and integrity.

4. Am I considering all sides of this situation?

Justice is a card of balance and objectivity. When it appears, it suggests that you may need to take a step back and ensure you are seeing the full picture before making a decision. This question asks you to consider all perspectives and weigh the evidence impartially. Are you rushing to judgement, or are you overlooking important details? By examining the situation from every angle, you are more likely to make a fair and informed decision.

5. How can I restore balance in my life?

If the Justice card appears, it may be highlighting an imbalance in your life. Whether it’s between work and personal time, giving and receiving in relationships, or your emotional and rational approaches to decision-making, this question encourages you to reflect on where things feel out of harmony. What areas of your life are you neglecting, and where are you overextending yourself? Justice encourages you to find equilibrium to achieve a healthier, more fulfilling life.

6. What truths am I avoiding?

Since Justice is linked to truth, this question encourages you to confront any truths that you may be avoiding. Are there facts about a situation or relationship that you are unwilling to accept? Are you being honest with yourself about your motivations, actions, or desires? Justice asks you to look beyond illusions or self-deception and face the truth, no matter how difficult it may be, so you can move forward with clarity.

7. Are my decisions aligned with my values?

Justice prompts you to evaluate whether your decisions and actions are aligned with your personal ethics and values. Are you making choices that reflect your principles, or are you compromising your integrity for short-term gains? This question encourages you to remain true to your beliefs and to ensure that the decisions you make are grounded in fairness, honesty, and authenticity.

8. Is there a legal or formal matter that requires my attention?

Given the card’s association with the law and justice systems, this question helps you identify any legal or formal issues that may be unfolding in your life. Are you involved in a legal dispute, contract negotiations, or an official agreement that needs careful handling? This question encourages you to approach these matters with fairness, ensuring all sides are considered, and that you uphold your ethical and legal responsibilities.

By reflecting on these questions when the Justice card appears in a Tarot reading, you can gain a deeper understanding of where fairness, accountability, and truth need to be applied in your life. Justice asks you to act with integrity, consider the consequences of your choices, and strive for balance and harmony in all areas.


6. Justice Tarot Card in Yes/No Readings

The Justice card in a yes/no Tarot reading is a powerful symbol of fairness, balance, and accountability. It represents the need for careful consideration, as decisions made must be fair and just for all parties involved. Due to its nature, Justice does not offer a simple “yes” or “no” answer without context. The interpretation of this card in a yes/no reading depends on whether it appears upright or reversed, and it often points to conditions that must be met for a situation to proceed favourably.

Upright Justice in Yes/No Readings: “Yes” with Conditions

When Justice appears upright in a yes/no reading, the answer is generally “Yes”, but with an important caveat: fairness and accountability are required for this outcome to materialise. The upright Justice card suggests that if you have acted with integrity, made honest decisions, and maintained balance in your approach, the outcome will likely be favourable. However, it also implies that you must continue to act with responsibility and fairness to ensure this positive result.

The upright Justice card is not an unconditional “yes.” It advises that justice and fairness must be upheld, so if you are facing a decision, you are encouraged to consider all sides carefully and make sure that you are acting ethically. It could also indicate that if you’re waiting on an outcome, such as in legal matters or decisions involving multiple parties, the result will lean in your favour, provided that all actions leading up to it have been fair.

For example:

  • If you are asking about a potential job promotion, Justice upright suggests that the answer is “yes,” but only if your performance has been consistently fair and your work ethic aligns with the company’s values.
  • In a relationship context, asking whether the partnership will thrive receives a conditional “yes”—as long as both partners are honest, respectful, and maintain a balanced emotional dynamic.

Thus, the upright Justice card is a reminder that while the outcome is positive, it hinges on acting ethically and ensuring fairness in all aspects of the situation.

Reversed Justice in Yes/No Readings: “No” or “Not Yet”

When Justice appears reversed in a yes/no reading, the answer is usually “No” or “Not Yet”. The reversed Justice card indicates that something is out of balance or that dishonesty, unfairness, or lack of accountability is preventing a favourable outcome. It may suggest that someone involved in the situation is not acting with integrity, or that the scales of fairness are tipped against you due to unresolved issues.

The reversed Justice card can also imply that you may need to face certain truths or take responsibility for past actions before you can move forward. In a yes/no reading, it suggests delays or setbacks due to unfair practices or unresolved matters. This card is a warning to address these imbalances or dishonest actions before a positive outcome can be achieved.

For example:

  • If you are asking whether a legal issue will be resolved in your favour, the reversed Justice card may indicate “no” or “not yet,” as there may be unresolved conflicts or unfair elements at play.
  • In a question about a romantic relationship, Justice reversed can suggest that issues of dishonesty or power imbalances are preventing a healthy relationship dynamic, and thus the answer is likely “no” until these matters are addressed.

Reversed Justice highlights the need to correct any imbalances or ethical missteps before a favourable resolution can be expected. It can also indicate that a situation requires more time and effort to reach fairness, meaning that the outcome may be delayed until these issues are resolved.

The Justice card in a yes/no reading offers a more nuanced answer than a simple “yes” or “no.” Upright, it tends towards a conditional “yes”, emphasising the importance of fairness, balance, and ethical conduct. Reversed, it often signals “no” or “not yet”, pointing to dishonesty, unfairness, or imbalance that must be corrected before a positive outcome can occur. The card’s appearance reminds you that justice and accountability are central to the situation, and the final result depends on whether these principles are upheld.


7. The Justice Card in Combination with Other Cards

When the Justice card appears in a Tarot reading, its meaning can be further shaped by the cards it appears alongside. Combining the Justice card with other Tarot cards can provide a deeper, more nuanced understanding of a situation, highlighting specific themes or dynamics that may be in play. Here’s an exploration of how the Justice card’s interpretation changes when combined with other key Tarot cards:

Justice and The Lovers: Fairness in Romantic Partnerships and Legal Commitments

When the Justice card appears with The Lovers, it often points to fairness and balance in romantic partnerships. This combination highlights the importance of equality, mutual respect, and ethical decision-making in relationships. If there are tensions or imbalances in a relationship, this pairing encourages both partners to weigh their feelings and actions carefully, ensuring that decisions are made with fairness and honesty.

The combination of Justice and The Lovers can also indicate legal commitments in love, such as marriage, civil partnerships, or prenuptial agreements. In some cases, it may point to legal matters that need resolution within the relationship, such as divorce or separation. Overall, it signals that fairness and balance are key to maintaining or resolving the relationship, with a strong focus on truth and mutual respect.

Example interpretation: If you’re asking about the future of your relationship and these two cards appear together, they suggest that your relationship will thrive if both partners act with fairness, respect, and accountability. In legal contexts, this combination could signal a balanced and fair legal agreement, such as a marriage or divorce settlement.

Justice and The Tower: Disruption in Fairness, Legal or Personal Turmoil

When Justice is paired with The Tower, it signifies sudden disruption or upheaval in matters related to fairness, legalities, or personal ethics. The Tower represents dramatic, often unexpected changes, while Justice represents balance and accountability. Together, they indicate that a major event may disturb the natural balance of things, leading to legal or ethical challenges. This combination could point to a sudden legal battle, a moral crisis, or a personal situation where fairness is being tested.

In some readings, this combination suggests that actions taken in the past are coming back to demand accountability, possibly in a dramatic or unsettling way. The Tower’s influence adds an element of surprise or shock, indicating that the scales of justice may be overturned, forcing you to confront previously ignored issues.

Example interpretation: If you’re dealing with legal matters or seeking fairness, the Justice and Tower pairing warns of unexpected complications, potentially throwing off balance or fairness. This could represent legal turmoil, a sudden disruption in a relationship, or ethical crises that need immediate attention.

Justice and The Devil: Unethical Decisions, Unfair Power Dynamics

When Justice appears with The Devil, it highlights issues related to unethical behaviour, temptation, and power dynamics. The Devil card often points to unhealthy attachments, manipulation, or indulgence in unethical actions, while Justice demands accountability and fairness. Together, these cards suggest that unethical decisions, dishonesty, or manipulation may be at play, and the time has come to face the consequences.

This pairing may highlight situations where one person is exploiting their power over another or engaging in behaviour that goes against moral or legal standards. It serves as a warning that while unethical actions may bring short-term gains, Justice will ultimately demand accountability. It can also point to legal entanglements resulting from morally questionable decisions.

Example interpretation: If this combination appears in a reading about career or relationships, it suggests that someone may be using their power unfairly or engaging in dishonest actions. Justice warns that these actions will soon be exposed, and consequences are inevitable. In legal matters, this pairing may suggest involvement in a legal dispute due to unethical behaviour.

Justice and The Empress: Balancing Nurturing and Fairness, Justice in Family Matters

When Justice is combined with The Empress, it often relates to family, nurturing, and fairness in domestic or caregiving roles. The Empress is a card of fertility, motherhood, and nurturing energy, while Justice brings balance and accountability. Together, they signify the need to balance care and support with fairness, particularly in family dynamics or decisions involving children, caregiving, or domestic life.

This combination can indicate that justice is needed in family matters, possibly relating to inheritance, custody, or family disputes. It encourages a balance between nurturing and discipline, reminding you that fairness should guide your actions, even in emotional situations. If conflicts arise in the family, Justice and The Empress together suggest that a fair resolution is possible, as long as nurturing and fairness are maintained.

Example interpretation: In a family context, this pairing indicates that while it’s important to nurture and care for loved ones, fairness and boundaries should not be overlooked. It may also point to legal issues involving family, such as custody arrangements or inheritance matters, which will require a balanced and fair approach.

Justice and The Emperor: Legal Authority, Leadership with a Focus on Justice

The combination of Justice and The Emperor highlights the role of authority, structure, and leadership in maintaining fairness and justice. The Emperor represents power, control, and leadership, often signifying a figure of authority. When paired with Justice, it suggests that legal authority or leadership decisions will be guided by fairness, ethics, and the rule of law. This can represent a balanced and just leader or an individual taking control of a situation in a fair and measured way.

In some contexts, this pairing can indicate a legal figure, such as a judge or government official, who plays a pivotal role in resolving disputes. Alternatively, it may point to you or someone else in a leadership position who is being called to make fair and just decisions. It emphasises that authority should always be exercised with integrity and accountability.

Example interpretation: If you are asking about a situation that involves legal matters or authority figures, the Justice and Emperor combination indicates that a fair and structured approach will be taken. It suggests that justice will be enforced through formal, legal channels, and the outcome will be grounded in law and order.

The Justice card in combination with other Tarot cards provides deeper insight into the themes of fairness, accountability, and balance. Each pairing reveals specific dynamics at play, whether it’s justice in love with The Lovers, legal upheaval with The Tower, or power dynamics with The Devil. By considering the cards around Justice, you can gain a richer understanding of the role of fairness and ethical decision-making in the broader context of your reading.


8. The Numerology of the Justice Card

The Justice card is the 11th card in the Major Arcana, and its numerology plays a significant role in deepening its meaning. In Tarot, numbers are not arbitrary; they carry powerful symbolism that enhances our understanding of the card’s energy and themes. The number 11 in numerology is particularly important for Justice, as it represents balance, duality, fairness, and the universal principle of cause and effect. Let’s explore the numerological significance of the Justice card’s number and how it ties into its core themes of fairness and equilibrium.

The Significance of the Number 11

The number 11 is often considered a master number in numerology, symbolising intuition, spiritual insight, and higher wisdom. However, in the context of the Justice card, its most relevant qualities are balance and duality. The number 11 consists of two 1’s, representing a mirror-like balance—just as Justice weighs all actions on her scales to determine a fair outcome.

The duality inherent in the number 11 reflects the two sides of any issue or decision. In a Tarot reading, Justice reminds us that there are always two perspectives to consider, and true fairness comes from carefully balancing both sides. This duality ties directly into the card’s themes of accountability and impartiality, as Justice demands that we weigh all factors equally before making a decision.

The two ones in 11 can also symbolise self and other, reinforcing the idea that balance is required in relationships and interactions with others. This mirrors Justice’s call for fairness not just towards others, but also towards ourselves. It is a reminder that maintaining internal and external harmony is key to living an ethical and balanced life.

Reducing 11 to 2: The Deeper Meaning

In numerology, it is common to reduce larger numbers by adding their digits together. When we reduce the number 11 (1+1), we get the number 2. The number 2 is strongly associated with balance, harmony, partnerships, and cooperation—all key themes that are central to the Justice card.

The number 2 represents duality and balance, and in Tarot, it often appears when we need to find equilibrium in our lives. This could involve balancing opposing forces, such as work and personal life, emotion and logic, or giving and receiving in relationships. In the case of Justice, the number 2 reinforces the card’s message that fairness and balance are essential in making decisions, resolving disputes, and ensuring ethical actions.

Additionally, the number 2 is linked to partnerships and relationships, reflecting the need for fairness and equality in dealings with others. Justice, when tied to the number 2, encourages us to seek fairness in all forms of partnerships, whether they are romantic, business-related, or friendships. It underscores the importance of mutual respect, balance, and cooperation in maintaining healthy, harmonious connections.

Libra’s Influence and the Concept of Balance

The number 11 also has a close connection to the zodiac sign Libra, which is symbolised by the scales and is ruled by the planet Venus. Libra, like the Justice card, is focused on balance, harmony, and fairness, particularly in relationships and social interactions. The influence of Libra further reinforces the numerological message of the Justice card—just as Libra seeks balance in partnerships and values fairness, the Justice card embodies these qualities in all aspects of life.

Libra’s energy enhances the Justice card’s focus on equilibrium and harmony. In a Tarot reading, this astrological influence urges us to seek a middle ground in conflicts, to approach situations with diplomacy, and to ensure that fairness prevails in our actions and decisions. The duality and balance represented by the number 11 also resonate with Libra’s desire for peaceful resolution and its ability to weigh both sides of any issue.

The Overall Numerological Message of Justice

The numerology of the Justice card—with its emphasis on the number 11 and its reduction to 2—offers a powerful reminder of the need for balance, fairness, and accountability in life. The number 11’s duality mirrors Justice’s scales, representing the importance of considering all sides of a situation before making decisions. Its reduction to the number 2 highlights the significance of balance in partnerships and interactions, urging us to act with integrity and fairness in all our dealings.

In summary, the numerology of the Justice card strengthens its core themes:

  • 11: Duality, balance, fairness, the mirror-like reflection of self and others, and the alignment between action and consequence.
  • 2: Balance in partnerships, harmony, cooperation, and the ability to weigh opposing forces to achieve equilibrium.

Together, these numbers reinforce Justice’s role as a card of accountability and moral fairness, reminding us that fairness, whether in relationships, decisions, or personal actions, is essential to living in alignment with ethical and universal principles.


9. Astrological Association of the Justice Card

The Justice card in Tarot is closely associated with the zodiac sign Libra, a sign ruled by Venus and known for its deep connection to balance, harmony, relationships, and fairness. This astrological connection plays a significant role in shaping the meaning of the Justice card, adding layers of insight that can enhance interpretations in Tarot readings. Libra’s influence highlights the importance of equilibrium, ethical judgement, and the need for fairness in all aspects of life, aligning perfectly with the central themes of the Justice card.

Zodiac Association with Libra

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, symbolised by the scales, the only inanimate symbol in the zodiac. The scales represent balance, equality, and justice, reflecting the central themes of the Justice card. Just like the scales of Libra, the Justice card depicts a figure holding scales, symbolising the careful weighing of decisions and the need to consider both sides of any situation.

Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, governs love, beauty, and relationships, but it also influences the way we seek harmony and balance in our lives. Venus’s influence encourages fairness, diplomacy, and a desire for peaceful resolutions, mirroring the Justice card’s message of equilibrium and ethical decision-making. Under Libra’s influence, the Justice card can be seen as a call to seek balance not only in external situations but also within ourselves, promoting fairness in our thoughts, actions, and relationships.

Libra’s Themes of Balance and Fairness

At the heart of Libra’s energy is the pursuit of balance and fairness, which directly aligns with the essence of the Justice card. In a Tarot reading, when the Justice card appears, Libra’s influence encourages us to consider all aspects of a situation objectively, ensuring that every action is guided by a sense of fairness. This focus on impartiality and balance is crucial when making decisions or resolving conflicts.

Libra’s energy is also diplomatic, seeking to mediate and create harmony in challenging situations. When the Justice card is influenced by Libra, it suggests that solutions to conflicts should be reached through negotiation, compromise, and fairness. Rather than rushing to judgement or taking one side over another, Libra encourages us to weigh the facts carefully and to act with a sense of justice that benefits all parties involved.

For example, if you’re facing a decision where emotions run high, Libra’s influence in the Justice card urges you to approach the matter with rationality and balance, taking time to reflect on the consequences of your actions. This is especially important in relationships, where Libra’s focus on harmony can guide you to seek fairness in emotional dynamics, ensuring that no one feels neglected or unfairly treated.

Relationships and Partnership Dynamics

Libra is known as the sign of partnerships, and its influence over the Justice card adds a strong emphasis on relationships. Whether in romantic relationships, friendships, or business partnerships, Libra’s presence in the Justice card highlights the need for balance, fairness, and reciprocity in all interactions.

When the Justice card appears in a relationship-focused Tarot reading, it is often a call to examine whether both parties are being treated equally and fairly. Libra’s influence encourages open communication, where both partners can express their needs and work towards achieving balance. In cases where one partner is giving more than the other, or if there is unresolved tension, Libra’s energy through the Justice card suggests that fairness must be restored to create harmony in the relationship.

In legal matters related to relationships, such as marriage, divorce, or custody agreements, the Justice card under Libra’s guidance signals that fair and balanced outcomes are likely. This influence reminds you to seek diplomatic and ethical solutions, ensuring that both sides are treated with equal respect and consideration.

Libra’s Influence on Personal Growth

Beyond relationships, Libra’s association with the Justice card can also influence personal growth by encouraging self-reflection and the pursuit of inner balance. Just as Libra seeks harmony in external relationships, it also calls for harmony within the self. When the Justice card appears in a reading focused on personal development, Libra’s influence asks you to evaluate whether you are living in alignment with your own values and principles.

Libra’s energy promotes self-honesty and a balanced approach to life’s challenges. It encourages you to take responsibility for your actions and to correct any imbalances in your behaviour or decisions. This influence is particularly important when the Justice card points to the need for accountability—whether it’s in your relationships, career, or personal goals, Libra’s focus on fairness reminds you to act with integrity and ensure that your actions are just and balanced.

Justice and Libra in Legal Matters

As a card linked to fairness and the law, Justice’s association with Libra is especially potent in legal matters. Libra’s scales represent the weighing of evidence, and its influence in the Justice card suggests that legal disputes, contracts, or negotiations will be resolved with fairness. Libra’s diplomatic nature encourages you to approach legal issues with an open mind and a commitment to ethical resolution.

In legal Tarot readings, the Justice card guided by Libra indicates that fair outcomes are likely, as long as all parties involved act with integrity. Libra’s focus on balance ensures that both sides are considered, and justice is served impartially. If there are imbalances or injustices at play, the Justice card under Libra’s influence suggests that these will be corrected, and equilibrium will be restored.

How Libra Enhances the Justice Card’s Interpretation

Libra’s astrological influence enhances the interpretation of the Justice card by reinforcing its central themes of balance, fairness, and truth. In any reading, the presence of Libra’s energy adds a layer of diplomacy, encouraging you to approach decisions with objectivity and a sense of moral responsibility.

When the Justice card is influenced by Libra, it also reminds you to seek fairness not only in external matters but also in your internal world. The pursuit of inner balance, emotional equilibrium, and ethical living is just as important as seeking fairness in relationships, career, and legal matters.

In summary, Libra’s influence over the Justice card amplifies its focus on fairness, balance, and harmony, urging you to act with integrity and to weigh all options carefully before making decisions. Whether in relationships, personal growth, or legal issues, Libra’s energy ensures that fairness and justice are at the heart of your actions, guiding you toward balanced, harmonious outcomes in all areas of life.


10. Justice in Different Tarot Decks

The Justice card is a staple of Tarot’s Major Arcana, and while its core themes of balance, fairness, and truth remain consistent, its imagery and nuances can vary between different Tarot decks. Each deck brings its own artistic and symbolic interpretation to the card, allowing readers to experience the Justice card through various lenses. Below, we explore how Justice is depicted in some of the most popular Tarot decks, including the Rider-Waite Tarot, the Thoth Tarot, and other modern or artistic variations.

Rider-Waite Tarot: Traditional Depiction of Justice

In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, one of the most widely used and recognised Tarot decks in the world, the Justice card is depicted in a traditional and straightforward manner, closely aligned with the classic symbolism of justice and fairness.

The card features a seated figure representing Justice, holding a sword upright in the right hand and scales in the left hand. The sword symbolises truth and clarity, while the scales reflect the balance and fairness that Justice seeks to uphold. The figure is often depicted sitting between two pillars, similar to those in the High Priestess card, symbolising the duality of life and the need for impartiality in judgement. The red and white robes worn by Justice symbolise action (red) and purity (white), reinforcing the idea that decisions must be made with a combination of clear intention and ethical purity.

The Rider-Waite depiction of Justice is deeply rooted in traditional ideas of law, fairness, and accountability. It captures the essence of the card’s message: that fairness, honesty, and objectivity are essential to making balanced decisions and achieving justice in any situation.

Thoth Tarot: The “Adjustment” Card

In the Thoth Tarot, designed by Aleister Crowley and illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris, the Justice card is reimagined as “Adjustment”, placing a stronger emphasis on the concept of balance rather than the strict moral and legal connotations typically associated with Justice.

The Adjustment card shows a figure standing with a sword in hand, positioned upright in a delicate pose that emphasises equilibrium and alignment. The figure often appears as if walking a tightrope, symbolising the delicate nature of balance and the precise adjustments needed to maintain harmony. The sword points directly upward, representing clear, unyielding truth and the need to cut through illusion to find the perfect centre.

In the Thoth Tarot, Adjustment is not just about fairness in the legal sense, but also about the cosmic balance of actions and consequences. The card reflects Crowley’s focus on universal laws—how every action must be balanced by an equal and opposite reaction. It suggests that life requires constant adjustment to maintain equilibrium, both on a personal and spiritual level.

This interpretation shifts the focus from legal justice to a more philosophical or karmic understanding of balance, where adjustment is an ongoing process rather than a final verdict.

Other Tarot Decks: Modern and Artistic Variations

Beyond the Rider-Waite and Thoth Tarot decks, the Justice card can take on many creative and symbolic variations in modern and artistic Tarot decks, each offering unique interpretations of its themes.

  • The Wild Unknown Tarot: In this popular modern deck, the Justice card is represented by a simple yet powerful image of a black-and-white cat sitting in perfect symmetry between two swords, symbolising the clear division between right and wrong. The stark contrast of colours reflects the card’s message of impartiality, while the cat’s natural instinct to remain balanced highlights the innate need for justice in nature.
  • The Light Seer’s Tarot: In this contemporary, artistically expressive deck, the Justice card features a woman looking into a mirror, suggesting self-reflection and the need to consider one’s actions carefully. The mirror reflects both her light and shadow sides, representing the duality that Justice weighs when judging a situation. This imagery encourages the querent to examine themselves with honesty and consider how their actions affect the balance in their life.
  • The Tarot of the Divine: This deck, inspired by global folklore and mythology, portrays the Justice card as Maat, the Egyptian goddess of truth, balance, and cosmic order. In this version, Justice is closely tied to the concept of karma and universal balance, drawing upon the mythological idea that the heart is weighed against a feather to determine the soul’s worth in the afterlife.
  • The Tarot of Mystical Moments: In this whimsical and surreal deck, Justice is portrayed as a woman standing in front of a giant pair of scales, with one side containing a feather and the other a heavy stone. This version of Justice visually emphasises the delicate balance of truth and consequence, asking the querent to carefully weigh the choices they make.
  • The Tarot del Toro: Based on the aesthetic of Guillermo del Toro’s films, this deck’s interpretation of Justice is deeply symbolic and cinematic, often featuring dark, gothic imagery that ties the idea of justice to the shadow side of morality and ethics. In this context, Justice may have more to do with moral consequences and the often dark reality of fairness.

Justice Across Tarot Decks

Though the Justice card varies in its depiction across different Tarot decks, its core themes of balance, fairness, and accountability remain constant. Whether in the traditional Rider-Waite deck, the philosophical Adjustment card of the Thoth Tarot, or the creative expressions of modern decks, Justice always reminds us of the importance of truth and balance in our lives.

Each deck brings its own interpretation of this universal theme, offering Tarot readers various ways to explore the principles of justice in different contexts. Whether through self-reflection, karmic balance, or legal fairness, the Justice card continues to serve as a powerful symbol of the need for harmony and equilibrium in all aspects of life.


11. Conclusion

The Justice card is a powerful symbol of fairness, truth, and balance, reminding us that our actions have consequences and that equilibrium must be maintained in all aspects of life. It stands as a call to evaluate situations with objectivity and to ensure that all decisions are grounded in honesty and integrity. Whether you are facing personal challenges, legal matters, or relational dynamics, Justice asks you to weigh all factors equally and act with a sense of responsibility.

In Tarot readings, the appearance of the Justice card serves as an invitation to reflect on your ethics and accountability. It prompts you to assess whether you are acting fairly, both to yourself and others, and to take responsibility for any imbalances in your life. Justice encourages you to consider how your choices affect others, urging you to align your actions with universal principles of fairness and truth.

Ultimately, Justice is a card that teaches us about the importance of living in harmony with the world around us. It reminds us that maintaining balance is key to achieving personal and spiritual growth. Whether you are seeking resolution in a conflict, working through legal issues, or striving for balance in relationships, the Justice card provides clear guidance: act with fairness, pursue truth, and embrace accountability, and in doing so, you will create a life of harmony and equilibrium.

The Justice card serves as a reminder that balance, fairness, and truth are essential in navigating life’s challenges. Whether you are dealing with personal conflicts, legal matters, or seeking guidance on relationships and decisions, Tarot readings can offer valuable insights and clarity. If you feel that there are unresolved issues in your life or are looking for answers on how to achieve greater balance, a Tarot reading focused on the Justice card can help illuminate the path forward.

At 121 Tarot Readings, our experienced Tarot readers are here to help you explore these important themes. Whether you are seeking guidance on fairness in your relationships, making difficult legal or ethical decisions, or striving for personal balance, a professional Tarot reading can offer the clarity you need.

Book a Tarot reading today to gain deep insights into your situation and to receive guidance on how to restore harmony and fairness in your life. Visit our Tarot reading services or to schedule your personalised session. Embrace the wisdom of the Tarot and find the balance you need to move forward with confidence.

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