Celtic Moon
Pin 0826

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Celtic Moon
My name is Celtic Moon, I have been a
psychic medium for over 15 years. I can
specialise in anything you need answering.
I can also provide distance reiki healing. SKILLS AND SERVICES I OFFER.can help those who are in need
of answers to areas of their lives
And also the reassurance of
communicating with the departed. THE EXPERIENCE I PROVIDE. I am a non judgemental reader
who will always read for your
greater good. I focus on what
you feel is important and give
you messages in a calm
Diplomatic way. MY MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE WITH A CALLER. Ive had a client who wanted clarity on a
soecific situation. Without asking i picked
up on the situation straight away, the
client was blown away and resulted in my
Reading not only being accurate but the
Predictions also come to fruition too. WHY CHOOSE ME FOR A READING. If you want an honest accurate reading
with no faffing around, choose me. I will
give you the information and answers
you’re looking for.