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Hello! I'm Evelyn and I have over 15 years
experience of reading the tarot and along the
way, utilising my connection to the Spirit
world. My guides tend to jump in with
messages and insights throughout the
reading, be they playing like a film in my
head, a sense of "knowing" or perhaps song
lyrics, or a physical feeling or sensation given
to me by the Spirit world.
I specialise in love readings, but if you have a
bit of a conundrum over choosing a potential
partner...I can help SKILLS AND SERVICES I OFFER. Hello! I'm Evelyn and I have over 15 years
experience of reading the tarot and along the
way, utilising my connection to the Spirit
world. My guides tend to jump in with
messages and insights throughout the
reading, be they playing like a film in my
head, a sense of "knowing" or perhaps song
lyrics, or a physical feeling or sensation given
to me by the Spirit world.
I specialise in love readings, but if you have a
bit of a conundrum over choosing a potential
partner...I can help. SKILLS AND SERVICES I OFFER.I can help my clients by empowering them
and encouraging them to sometimes look at
an issue they may be having from a different
perspective. With my cards, I can get much
deeper into a specific topic that my clients
may want to analyse in more detail. I do this
by using both my Psycards and my Spirit
guides. Equally, I can offer a more generalist energy reading,which offers a "snapshot" of
where you are at the current moment, with a
bit of an insight into predicting the future. THE EXPERIENCE I PROVIDE. I offer an epathetic listening ear first and
foremost, and I never, ever judge anyone.
I am a very compassionate person who is self
aware and I am a person who has faced many
difficult life challenges. I have resilience and
strength, and yes, I believe I have common
sense and wisdom from the Spirit world to
share with my clents.
I encourage my clients to open up and explore
their own reasons "why", but I can add in