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Hi, I'm happy to help you connect with spirit loved ones. I've been working with spirit since I was little.
I bring messages and guidance, from spirit loved ones.
I’m happy to help with relationships and work, relationships are my speciality.
Come have a chat and see if I can give you clarity on your situations. SKILLS AND SERVICES I OFFEFR.I can help connect you from spirit loved ones to give guidance and love. To help guide you through everyday situations.
I work with my guides and your loved ones and spirit animals. I work with different tarot decks to give clarification on situations to guide you forward on your life’s journey. THE EXPERIENCE I PROVIDE I connect with your energy and your loved one’s energy. I will tell you what I see and hear and give you reassurance and clarification using the tarot cards if needed.
I've helped many clients to understand their relationships to help them and guide them. I once guided a lady into understanding why her husband was being secretive and helped her not to be anxious. As he was planning a surprise for her. I gave clarification on a pregnancy, after many years of trying to have baby. I gave her the news of a baby boy was on its way.
Helping a lovely lady understand her boyfriend and his feelings who lives abroad and weeks of being there for her. They are now married and living happily together ??