The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

One of the most intriguing cards in the Major Arcana is “The Wheel of Fortune.” Representing the ever-changing nature of life, this card is a powerful symbol of the cyclic nature of our experiences – the rise and fall, the victories and setbacks. As card number 10 in the Major Arcana, “The Wheel of Fortune” is often seen as a critical turning point, reflecting the inevitability of change and the importance of adaptability.

In the rich tapestry of a tarot deck, “The Wheel of Fortune” stands out for its dynamic representation of fate. Unlike other cards that may depict static scenes or characters, this card is all about motion and transformation. Typically, the card features a wheel, often inscribed with ancient symbols or letters that hint at the mysteries of destiny and the interconnectedness of life and time. Surrounding or attached to the wheel, you’ll usually find various figures or animals, each adding depth and nuance to the card’s meaning.

The presence of “The Wheel of Fortune” in a tarot reading is always significant. It suggests a pivotal moment where change is imminent. When this card appears, it’s a reminder that nothing is permanent and that being flexible and resilient is key to navigating life’s ups and downs. Whether the wheel is seen as turning upward or downward, the card encourages us to stay grounded and centered, regardless of the external changes.

In this article, we’ll explore “The Wheel of Fortune” in greater detail, looking at its historical background, its symbolic imagery, and the various ways it can be interpreted in a reading. This exploration will offer a deeper understanding of how this powerful card reflects the complex journey of life.

Historical Background

“The Wheel of Fortune” tarot card has a rich and multifaceted history, deeply entwined with the evolution of tarot itself. Tracing its origins takes us back to the medieval period, a time when the symbolism of wheels was pervasive in literature, art, and philosophy, often representing the capricious nature of fate and fortune.

Originally, tarot cards were used for games and entertainment, particularly in 15th-century Europe. It wasn’t until the 18th century that these cards began to be widely associated with mysticism and divination. “The Wheel of Fortune,” or ‘Rota Fortunae’ in Latin, was inspired by the concept of Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck, who spins the wheel of fate, randomly determining the fates of both mortals and gods alike.

In early tarot decks, like the Visconti-Sforza tarot created in the 15th century, the imagery of “The Wheel of Fortune” was simpler and more straightforward. The card typically featured a six-spoked wheel, often with human or mythical figures attached to it, representing the rise and fall of a person’s fate as the wheel turns. This imagery was a direct reflection of the medieval worldview where life was seen as unpredictable and beyond human control.

As tarot evolved, so did the depiction of “The Wheel of Fortune.” In the iconic Rider-Waite tarot deck, created in the early 20th century, the card’s imagery became more complex and laden with symbolic elements. The wheel was often shown with three figures: one ascending, one at the top, and one descending, symbolizing the continuous cycle of life and fate. Additionally, the Rider-Waite version included alchemical symbols and Hebrew letters, infusing the card with a deeper spiritual and mystical significance.

The evolution of “The Wheel of Fortune” card reflects broader changes in societal attitudes towards fate and destiny. Over the centuries, as human perspectives shifted from a deterministic worldview to one that embraced free will and personal agency, the interpretations of the card also transformed. Modern tarot decks often portray “The Wheel of Fortune” as a more empowering symbol, suggesting that while life is cyclical and change is inevitable, we have the power to react to and influence the outcomes of these changes.

“The Wheel of Fortune” is a tarot card with a complex history, evolving from a medieval symbol of an unpredictable fate to a modern representation of life’s cyclic nature and the human capacity to navigate it. This evolution not only mirrors changes in the design and use of tarot cards but also reflects a deeper shift in human consciousness regarding the nature of fate and personal empowerment.


Card Imagery and Symbolism

The imagery of “The Wheel of Fortune” card is both intriguing and symbolic, offering a visual feast that speaks to the cyclic nature of life and destiny. Central to the card is the wheel, a powerful symbol of continuous motion and change. This wheel is not just any wheel; it’s a cosmic one, often depicted as large, ornate, and commanding, capturing the essence of life’s unpredictability.

Around the wheel, there are typically four figures, representing the four elements or the four evangelists — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These figures are often shown reading books, symbolizing wisdom, knowledge, and the search for truth. The presence of these figures suggests a divine or cosmic aspect to the wheel’s motion, linking human experiences to larger universal principles.

Atop the wheel, you’ll usually find a sphinx-like creature, holding a sword and representing the balance of power and the duality of nature. This figure is a guardian of knowledge and a symbol of life’s riddles. Its poised, commanding presence reminds us that while we are subject to the whims of fate, there’s wisdom to be gained in the journey.

On the wheel itself, one can often see various alchemical symbols or letters. These typically include the letters T-A-R-O or R-O-T-A, which not only spell out “Tarot” but also form the Latin word ‘Rota,’ meaning ‘wheel.’ This play on words and symbols underscores the interconnectedness of the card’s meaning with the tarot system as a whole.

Descending on one side of the wheel is often a figure, sometimes interpreted as Anubis, the Egyptian god associated with the afterlife and protection. This descent represents the inevitable downfalls in life, the moments of challenge and reflection. On the ascending side, another figure, often Hermes or Mercury, symbolizes the rise to success and the potential for learning and growth.

The animals depicted in the corners of the card – typically an angel, an eagle, a lion, and a bull – are symbols of the four fixed signs of the zodiac: Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Taurus. These animals reinforce the themes of stability and endurance amidst change, reminding us that while life cycles move continuously, some elements remain constant.

“The Wheel of Fortune” is a visually rich card, teeming with symbols that speak to the human experience. Its imagery of the wheel, the figures, and the animals, each a piece of a larger puzzle, invites reflection on the cycles of fortune and the lessons they bring. This card is not just about fate’s turning wheel; it’s a mirror reflecting our response to life’s inevitable changes.


Upright Meaning

When “The Wheel of Fortune” card appears upright in a tarot reading, it signifies a major shift or change in one’s life path. This card heralds a period of transition, often bringing new opportunities or unexpected turns of fate. The wheel is turning, and it suggests that the forces of destiny are at work, propelling you towards a new phase of life.

The upright Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that life is full of cycles and phases. It indicates that the current cycle is shifting, leading to a new chapter. This could manifest in various forms – a sudden job offer, an unexpected encounter that leads to a meaningful relationship, or an unforeseen event that changes your perspective on life.

In real-life scenarios, this card could appear when you’re about to make a pivotal decision without fully realizing its importance. It might show up during times when you feel your life is taking a turn, whether it’s starting a new job, moving to a new city, or embarking on a spiritual journey. The card assures that these changes, though possibly disorienting, are part of your life’s natural progression.

The Wheel of Fortune in the upright position can also indicate luck and fortune. It might be a sign that the universe is working in your favor, bringing positive changes and fortunate circumstances your way. This is a time to be open to opportunities and embrace the flow of life, trusting that the wheel is turning in your direction.

However, the card also carries a cautionary note – since the wheel is always turning, today’s highs could be tomorrow’s lows. It encourages maintaining balance and staying grounded, reminding you that the key to navigating this period of change is adaptability and resilience.

The upright Wheel of Fortune is about embracing change, understanding the cyclic nature of life, and recognizing the role of fate in shaping your journey. It signals a time of evolution and progression, urging you to go with the flow and stay open to the opportunities that life presents.


Reversed Meaning

When “The Wheel of Fortune” is drawn in a reversed position, its meaning takes on a different tone, often signifying resistance to change or a halt in progress. This inversion of the card suggests that the natural flow of life’s cycles is being disrupted or blocked, leading to stagnation or a sense of being stuck.

In a reversed position, “The Wheel of Fortune” may point to a phase where things are not moving as expected. You might find yourself in a situation where despite your efforts, there seems to be little or no progress. This could be a project at work that’s stalled, a personal goal that’s not advancing, or a relationship that feels static.

This card in reverse can also indicate a period of bad luck or misfortune. It might show up during times when it feels like everything is going against you, where every step forward is met with two steps back. This can manifest in various setbacks, from minor inconveniences to significant challenges that test your patience and resilience.

Another aspect of the reversed Wheel of Fortune is the feeling of being out of control or at the mercy of external circumstances. It might reflect a time when you feel your life is being driven by forces beyond your control, leaving you feeling helpless or disempowered.

However, this card is not just a harbinger of doom. It serves as a reminder to reassess your approach to life’s challenges. It encourages you to look for alternative paths, to find ways to unblock the energy and get the wheel turning again. The reversed Wheel of Fortune asks you to examine what might be holding you back, whether it’s your attitude, fears, or external factors, and to find ways to align yourself with the natural flow of life again.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune suggests a pause or a slow down in life’s natural cycle. It points to resistance, stagnation, or misfortune, urging you to reevaluate your situation and find ways to reignite momentum and progress. It’s a call to take control where you can and to adapt to the forces that are beyond your control, finding balance and harmony amidst life’s ups and downs.


Love and Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, “The Wheel of Fortune” card offers a unique perspective. Its appearance in a love reading can signify various stages and dynamics in a relationship, largely revolving around change and evolution.

When “The Wheel of Fortune” appears in a love reading, it often indicates that the relationship is about to enter a new phase. If you’re single, this could mean the onset of a significant new romance, or an unexpected twist in your love life that brings exciting opportunities. For those already in a relationship, this card suggests that the relationship is evolving, potentially reaching a deeper level of understanding or entering a new stage, like moving in together, engagement, or encountering new challenges that test the strength of the partnership.

In some cases, “The Wheel of Fortune” can indicate fluctuations in the emotional landscape of a relationship. Just as the wheel turns, emotions and situations in love can change. This card may be a signal to brace for ups and downs, reminding you to stay adaptable and open-minded in your approach to relationship issues.

For relationships facing challenges, “The Wheel of Fortune” can be a sign of hope, suggesting that difficult times are temporary and will eventually lead to better days. It encourages patience and understanding, highlighting the importance of working through tough periods to emerge stronger on the other side.

Conversely, if a relationship has been stagnant or unfulfilling, this card can signify a necessary shake-up. It might be the universe’s way of saying it’s time for a change, which could manifest as a rekindling of passion, a new perspective on the relationship, or in some cases, a realization that it’s time to move on.

“The Wheel of Fortune” in love readings also reminds us of the role of fate in our relationships. It suggests that some things are meant to be and will unfold in their own time. This card encourages trust in the journey of love, embracing the changes and lessons that come with it.

“The Wheel of Fortune” in a love context is a powerful indicator of change, progression, and the cyclic nature of relationships. Whether you’re navigating the early stages of a new romance, deepening an existing partnership, or moving through a challenging phase, this card encourages embracing the ebb and flow of love with an open heart and an adaptable mindset.


Career and Finances

In career and financial readings, “The Wheel of Fortune” offers insights into the dynamic nature of professional and financial circumstances. This card suggests that change is on the horizon, emphasizing the cyclical ups and downs in one’s career and finances.

When this card appears in a career reading, it often signals a turning point or a significant shift in your professional life. This could manifest as a new job opportunity, a promotion, or an unexpected change in your career path. It’s a reminder that your career is in motion, and change, whether anticipated or not, is a natural part of professional growth.

For those feeling stagnant in their current roles, “The Wheel of Fortune” suggests that a new cycle is beginning. It encourages you to be open to new possibilities and to stay alert for opportunities that may arise unexpectedly. This card is a prompt to stay adaptable and ready to seize the moment when the right opportunity presents itself.

In terms of finances, “The Wheel of Fortune” indicates fluctuations in financial status. It could be a period of increased abundance or a warning of potential financial instability. This card reminds you to be wise with your financial decisions, as the nature of fortune is that it can turn at any time. It’s a call to maintain a balanced approach to financial management, preparing for times of both abundance and scarcity.

For those embarking on new financial ventures, this card is a positive sign. It suggests that the timing might be right for taking calculated risks or exploring new investment opportunities. However, it also cautions against overconfidence, reminding you that financial success often comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities.

“The Wheel of Fortune” in career and finance readings also speaks to the concept of timing. It implies that there are moments when pushing forward can lead to great success, and times when stepping back and waiting is more prudent. It’s about understanding and aligning with the natural rhythms and cycles in your professional and financial life.

“The Wheel of Fortune” in the context of career and finances is a powerful indicator of change, opportunity, and the inherent cyclical nature of these aspects of life. It encourages an open-minded and adaptable approach, reminding you to stay prepared for the unpredictable twists and turns of your professional and financial journey.


Health and Wellness

In health and wellness readings, “The Wheel of Fortune” speaks to the dynamic nature of one’s physical and mental well-being. This card serves as a reminder of the ever-changing state of health, underscoring the importance of adapting to these changes as they come.

When “The Wheel of Fortune” appears in a health context, it often suggests fluctuations in your physical or mental health. This might mean an improvement in a current health condition, or it could be a warning to pay attention to your health as there could be unexpected changes. It’s a call to be proactive in managing your well-being, staying attuned to what your body and mind need.

This card can also signify a pivotal moment in your health journey. Perhaps you’re about to embark on a new health regime, recover from an illness, or finally find a resolution to a long-standing health issue. “The Wheel of Fortune” in this sense encourages embracing these changes, reminding you that health, like life, is a series of cycles and phases.

For those dealing with chronic conditions, the appearance of this card might suggest a period of respite or improvement. It’s a hopeful sign that there may be good days ahead, but it also cautions to remain vigilant and consistent in managing the condition.

In mental health readings, “The Wheel of Fortune” can point to the ups and downs of mental and emotional states. It’s a reminder that mental health is not static, and changes in mood or mindset are part of the human experience. This card encourages seeking balance, whether that means asking for help during tough times or embracing periods of stability and happiness.

Furthermore, “The Wheel of Fortune” in a health reading invites you to consider the holistic nature of wellness. It’s not just about physical health but also encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This card urges a balanced approach to health, recognizing that each aspect influences the other.

“The Wheel of Fortune” in health and wellness readings is a symbol of the natural ebb and flow of health. It highlights the importance of adaptability in managing health challenges and embracing the changes that come with each cycle of well-being. Whether it’s a period of good health or a time to pay closer attention to potential issues, this card serves as a guide to navigate the changing landscape of your health journey.


Spiritual Meaning

In the realm of spiritual interpretation, “The Wheel of Fortune” card carries profound significance. It’s a symbol deeply connected to the concepts of karma, fate, and the cyclical patterns of life. This card serves as a spiritual mirror, reflecting the ever-turning cycle of growth, change, and evolution of the soul.

The spiritual essence of “The Wheel of Fortune” is intrinsically tied to the idea of karma – the belief in cause and effect where your actions and intentions, both past and present, influence your future. When this card appears, it’s often a reminder that the universe operates on a principle of balance. It suggests that the events unfolding in your life are not just random occurrences but are influenced by your past deeds and current choices.

In relation to fate, “The Wheel of Fortune” invites a contemplation of destiny versus free will. It presents the notion that while certain things in life are predestined, how we respond to these events remains within our control. This card encourages an acceptance of the role of fate, while also empowering you to make choices that shape your journey.

The cyclical nature of life is another key aspect of this card’s spiritual message. Just as the wheel turns, life is full of phases – moments of joy and sorrow, success and failure, growth and retreat. “The Wheel of Fortune” reminds us that these cycles are natural and necessary for our spiritual growth. It teaches that every phase, whether challenging or rewarding, has its purpose in the larger tapestry of our lives.

Moreover, this card is a call to stay centered amidst life’s fluctuations. In its spiritual context, “The Wheel of Fortune” advises maintaining a core of stability and inner peace, even as external circumstances change. It’s about finding a balance between riding the waves of destiny and steering your own course.

“The Wheel of Fortune” in spiritual readings symbolizes the interconnectedness of all things and the continual cycle of change. It serves as a reminder of the universal principles of karma and fate, and the perpetual motion of life’s journey. This card encourages embracing the cyclical nature of existence, understanding that each turn of the wheel brings both challenges and opportunities for spiritual growth and enlightenment.


Tips for Reading “The Wheel of Fortune” Card

Reading “The Wheel of Fortune” in tarot spreads requires a nuanced understanding of its symbolism and the context in which it appears. Here are some tips for tarot readers on interpreting this card effectively and avoiding common misconceptions.

  1. Context is Key: The meaning of “The Wheel of Fortune” can vary greatly depending on the cards surrounding it. Pay close attention to neighboring cards as they can indicate whether the wheel’s turn will bring positive changes or challenges.
  2. Look for Patterns: This card often signals shifts and cycles. In a reading, look for patterns or recurring themes in the querent’s life that may be undergoing a transformation.
  3. Avoid Fatalistic Interpretations: While “The Wheel of Fortune” deals with fate and destiny, avoid interpretations that make the querent feel powerless. Emphasize the cyclical nature of life and the potential for change.
  4. Consider Reversals Carefully: If the card appears reversed, don’t jump to negative conclusions. Instead, explore themes of resistance to change or the need to reassess one’s approach to life’s fluctuations.
  5. Balance External and Internal Factors: Recognize that this card speaks to both external circumstances and internal attitudes. Encourage querents to consider how their reactions to changing fortunes can impact outcomes.
  6. Explore Different Life Aspects: “The Wheel of Fortune” can relate to various life aspects – relationships, career, health, or spiritual growth. Guide the querent to reflect on areas of life that may be undergoing shifts.
  7. Stay Open to Multiple Meanings: This card can have multiple layers of meaning. Stay open to various interpretations and encourage the querent to trust their intuition about what resonates with their situation.
  8. Address Misconceptions: Querents may have preconceived notions about this card always signifying good luck. Clarify that it represents the ups and downs of life and the natural cycle of events.
  9. Encourage Empowerment: Use this card to empower the querent. Remind them that while they can’t control everything, they have agency in how they respond to life’s changes.
  10. Integrate Life Lessons: Finally, “The Wheel of Fortune” often brings lessons. Encourage the querent to reflect on what they can learn from their current circumstances and how these lessons can aid in their personal growth.

By considering these tips, tarot readers can offer insightful, balanced, and empowering readings when “The Wheel of Fortune” makes an appearance, helping querents to navigate its complex and multi-layered meanings.



“The Wheel of Fortune” tarot card, with its rich symbolism and deep historical roots, serves as a profound reminder of life’s ever-changing nature. This article has explored the card’s journey from its origins in medieval iconography to its modern interpretations in various tarot decks, highlighting its role as a symbol of fate, karma, and the cyclic nature of existence.

Key points to remember about “The Wheel of Fortune” include its central imagery of the wheel, symbolizing the constant motion of life and destiny. When appearing upright, this card signifies change, opportunity, and the natural ebb and flow of life’s phases. In contrast, the reversed “Wheel of Fortune” often points to resistance to change, stagnation, or a period of misfortune.

In different aspects of life such as love and relationships, career and finances, health and wellness, and spiritual growth, “The Wheel of Fortune” offers unique insights. It reflects the shifts and turns in relationships, the unpredictability of professional paths and financial status, the fluctuating nature of health, and the spiritual lessons embedded in the cycles of life.

For tarot readers, interpreting “The Wheel of Fortune” requires an understanding of its complex symbolism and the context in which it appears. It’s important to avoid fatalistic readings and to empower querents by reminding them of their agency in responding to life’s changes.

As we conclude, remember that “The Wheel of Fortune” is a powerful card that encourages us to embrace life’s cycles. It teaches us to adapt to the inevitable changes, to learn from the experiences they bring, and to trust our intuition in deciphering its meanings in our readings. Whether the wheel is turning in our favor or challenging us, this card reminds us of the transient nature of our circumstances and the continuous opportunity for growth and transformation.


FAQ Section

  1. What does “The Wheel of Fortune” card represent in a tarot reading?

“The Wheel of Fortune” symbolizes life’s cyclic nature and the constant change of fortune. It represents phases of life, transitions, and the role of fate. In a reading, it suggests a turning point or a significant shift in life’s circumstances.

  1. Is “The Wheel of Fortune” a positive card to draw?

Generally, “The Wheel of Fortune” is considered positive, indicating change, new opportunities, and progress. However, it also reminds us of life’s unpredictability and the importance of adaptability. The card’s positivity largely depends on the context of the reading and surrounding cards.

  1. What does it mean when “The Wheel of Fortune” appears reversed?

In its reversed position, “The Wheel of Fortune” can indicate resistance to change, a feeling of being stuck, or a phase of bad luck. It suggests that the natural flow of events is being hindered, requiring a reevaluation of one’s approach to change.

  1. How should I interpret “The Wheel of Fortune” in a love reading?

In love readings, “The Wheel of Fortune” often signals changes in relationship dynamics. For singles, it can indicate new romantic opportunities, while for those in relationships, it suggests evolving dynamics or important transitions.

  1. What does “The Wheel of Fortune” say about career and finances?

In career and financial contexts, this card suggests fluctuations and changes. It can indicate a new job opportunity, a change in financial status, or the need to adapt to evolving professional circumstances.

  1. Can “The Wheel of Fortune” provide guidance on health issues?

Yes, in health readings, “The Wheel of Fortune” speaks to the changing nature of one’s health. It can indicate periods of improvement or caution you to be vigilant about health matters, encouraging a balanced approach to physical and mental well-being.

  1. What is the spiritual significance of “The Wheel of Fortune”?

Spiritually, “The Wheel of Fortune” relates to karma, fate, and the understanding that life is a series of cycles. It encourages acceptance of the natural rhythm of life and recognition of the lessons each phase brings for personal and spiritual growth.

  1. Are there any common misconceptions about this card?

A common misconception is that “The Wheel of Fortune” only signifies good fortune. While it often indicates positive change, it essentially represents the ups and downs of life, emphasizing the importance of how we respond to these changes.

  1. How does “The Wheel of Fortune” relate to decision-making?

In the context of decision-making, “The Wheel of Fortune” advises openness to change and adaptability. It suggests that while making choices, one should consider the potential for unforeseen developments and be prepared to adjust plans as necessary.

  1. What does this card say about timing in life events?

“The Wheel of Fortune” is closely tied to the concept of timing. It implies that certain events in life are subject to divine timing or fate. This card can be a reminder that some things may happen independently of our actions, in their own time.

  1. Can “The Wheel of Fortune” indicate external influences?

Yes, this card often points to external factors playing a significant role in the current situation. It reminds us that not everything is within our control and that sometimes, we need to adapt to circumstances shaped by outside forces.

  1. How does this card interact with other cards in a reading?

“The Wheel of Fortune” can amplify or alter the meanings of surrounding cards. Its presence might strengthen the impact of change and transition indicated by other cards or bring a sense of unpredictability to the reading’s overall theme.

  1. What is the best way to embrace the energy of “The Wheel of Fortune”?

Embracing “The Wheel of Fortune” involves acknowledging the transient nature of life’s circumstances and staying resilient through changes. It’s about maintaining a balanced perspective, being open to new opportunities, and learning from the experiences brought by each turn of the wheel.

  1. Can “The Wheel of Fortune” reflect personal growth?

Absolutely. This card often signifies personal growth, especially through experiences that challenge us and force us to adapt. It indicates that with every turn of the wheel, there is an opportunity for learning and self-improvement.

  1. How should beginners approach reading “The Wheel of Fortune”?

For beginners, it’s important to approach “The Wheel of Fortune” with an open mind. Focus on the basic themes of change and cycles. Practice reading the card in different spreads and observe how its meaning shifts with context and surrounding cards.

  1. Does “The Wheel of Fortune” have a connection to other Major Arcana cards?

Yes, “The Wheel of Fortune” is interconnected with other Major Arcana cards. It can be seen as a midpoint in the Fool’s journey, reflecting life’s turning points. Its themes of fate and cycles can be contrasted or complemented by other cards in the Major Arcana.

  1. Can this card indicate a need for patience?

Definitely. “The Wheel of Fortune” often calls for patience, especially when faced with situations that are beyond our control. It teaches the value of waiting for the right moment and trusting that the wheel will turn in your favor when the time is right.

  1. What does “The Wheel of Fortune” say about risk-taking?

This card can be indicative of a good time for taking calculated risks, especially if you’ve been feeling stuck. It suggests that change is inevitable and sometimes taking a leap of faith is necessary to move forward.

  1. How does “The Wheel of Fortune” impact a reading focused on past events?

In readings dealing with the past, “The Wheel of Fortune” can indicate how past events have influenced your current situation. It may suggest that the lessons from these events are playing a significant role in your present circumstances.

  1. Is “The Wheel of Fortune” linked to specific astrological signs or elements?

While not directly linked to specific signs, “The Wheel of Fortune” is often associated with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck. This association reinforces themes of growth, opportunity, and the role of fortune in life’s events.

  1. How do I apply the lessons of “The Wheel of Fortune” to everyday life?

Applying the lessons of “The Wheel of Fortune” involves embracing change and being adaptable to life’s ups and downs. It’s about recognizing that each phase, whether challenging or rewarding, is temporary and offers unique lessons for personal growth.

  1. Can “The Wheel of Fortune” predict the outcome of specific situations?

While “The Wheel of Fortune” can indicate potential outcomes, it’s more about the nature of change rather than specific events. It advises readiness for different possibilities and suggests that outcomes may be influenced by a mix of fate and personal choices.

  1. How can this card help in times of uncertainty?

In uncertain times, “The Wheel of Fortune” offers a perspective that everything is in flux and that current challenges or uncertainties are part of a larger cycle. It encourages finding stability within and reminds us that these phases are temporary.

  1. What is the best mindset to have when “The Wheel of Fortune” appears in a reading?

When this card appears, it’s best to have a mindset of openness and willingness to adapt. Embrace the concept that change is a natural and necessary part of life, and approach it with a sense of curiosity and optimism.

  1. How does “The Wheel of Fortune” relate to personal decision-making?

In terms of decision-making, “The Wheel of Fortune” suggests considering how choices align with the natural flow of your life. It encourages being aware of timing and being flexible enough to adjust decisions as circumstances evolve.

  1. Can this card provide insight into relationships?

Yes, in relationship contexts, “The Wheel of Fortune” can offer insights into the dynamic nature of partnerships. It may suggest transitions, growth phases, or the need to adapt to changes within the relationship.

  1. How does “The Wheel of Fortune” interact with cards from the Minor Arcana?

When paired with Minor Arcana cards, “The Wheel of Fortune” can highlight specific aspects of life undergoing change. It can add a layer of depth to the more day-to-day issues and situations represented by the Minor Arcana.


Further Readings

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot

Phone Psychic Readings

Phone Tarot Readings

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