“Tarot is a conversation with the divine, a dialogue with the forces that shape our world.” – Josephine Ellershaw

Tarot has been a popular method of divination for centuries, used by millions of people worldwide to gain insights into their lives, seek answers to pressing questions, and find guidance through the mysteries of life. At its core, Tarot is a profound conversation with the divine, a dialogue that invites us to tap into the universal forces that shape our world. In this article, we will explore the spiritual significance of Tarot and the ways in which it enables us to connect with the divine.


The Origins of Tarot

The Tarot traces its roots back to 15th-century Europe, where it began as a card game called ‘tarocchi’ (1). However, it was not until the 18th century that Tarot cards became associated with divination, thanks to the works of influential figures like Antoine Court de Gébelin and Jean-Baptiste Alliette (2). Since then, the Tarot has evolved into a powerful tool for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and connection with the divine. For more in depth information about the origins of Tarot, visit our “Ultimate Guide to Tarot


The Spiritual Significance of Tarot

Tarot’s deep symbolism, rich imagery, and intricate connections to various esoteric systems make it a perfect medium for exploring the hidden aspects of our lives and the spiritual forces that influence them. Tarot is often linked to the Kabbalah, a mystical Jewish tradition, with the 22 Major Arcana cards corresponding to the 22 paths of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (3). Additionally, Tarot has ties to astrology, numerology, and the four elements, providing a holistic and multi-dimensional framework for understanding our lives.

As Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist, once said, “The Tarot represents the hidden side of the psyche.” Indeed, the cards serve as a mirror to our subconscious, revealing the patterns, archetypes, and energies that shape our experiences.


The Power of Tarot to Connect with the Divine

Josephine Ellershaw‘s quote beautifully captures the essence of Tarot as a sacred dialogue with the divine. By engaging with the cards, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, transcending the boundaries of time and space to connect with universal wisdom.

In a Tarot reading, the cards serve as a conduit for divine guidance, allowing us to communicate with the forces that govern our existence. As noted by Eden Gray, a renowned Tarot expert, “The Tarot is a symbolic language that communicates directly with the subconscious mind and thus with the inner self, which is an aspect of the divine.” Through this connection, we gain insights into our lives, our relationships, and our spiritual growth.


Tarot as a Tool for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Beyond its divinatory applications, Tarot is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By contemplating the cards’ meanings and applying their wisdom to our lives, we can uncover hidden truths, explore our inner landscapes, and foster a deeper connection with the divine.

Rachel Pollack, an esteemed Tarot scholar, explains, “The Tarot is a way of opening up the unconscious and letting it speak to the conscious mind.” In this sense, Tarot is a bridge between the seen and unseen aspects of our lives, providing a platform for dialogue with our higher selves and the divine forces that guide us.

In the words of renowned spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson, “The Tarot is not about predicting the future; it’s about co-creating the future with the divine.” By engaging with the cards, we become active participants in our own lives, shaping our destinies through conscious choices and a deepened connection with the spiritual realm.


Tarot in Modern Spirituality

In today’s fast-paced and often disconnected world, the Tarot has experienced a resurgence in popularity, offering solace, guidance, and a means of connecting with the divine. The increasing number of Tarot decks, books, and online resources attests to the growing fascination with this ancient and powerful practice.

As Biddy Tarot founder Brigit Esselmont observes, “The Tarot is a beautiful and powerful tool that can help us to connect with our intuition and our higher selves, providing guidance and insights into our lives.” This renewed interest in Tarot reflects a collective desire to connect with the sacred and foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.


Tarot and Mindfulness

The practice of Tarot can also be seen as a form of mindfulness, promoting presence and awareness in our lives. By focusing on the cards and their meanings, we are encouraged to slow down, reflect, and engage with our inner wisdom.

As Tarot expert Mary K. Greer suggests, “Tarot helps us to be more aware of the present moment, to live more consciously, and to make choices that are in alignment with our highest selves.” In this way, Tarot is not only a conversation with the divine but also a means of cultivating a deeper connection with ourselves and our world.



Josephine Ellershaw’s quote captures the essence of Tarot as a sacred dialogue with the divine, a conversation that invites us to tap into the universal forces that shape our world. By engaging with the cards, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, transcending the boundaries of time and space to connect with the wisdom of the ages.

As a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual exploration, Tarot offers a profound way to connect with the divine, enriching our lives and deepening our understanding of the universe. Through the practice of Tarot, we can foster a more mindful, conscious, and spiritually connected existence, co-creating our futures in partnership with the divine.

Whether you are a seasoned Tarot practitioner or a curious newcomer, remember that the Tarot is a powerful and enriching medium for engaging with the divine. Embrace the journey, explore the hidden depths of your soul, and let the sacred dialogue unfold.



(1) Dummett, M. (1980). The Game of Tarot. London: Duckworth.

(2) Decker, R., Dummett, M., & Depaulis, T. (1996). A Wicked Pack of Cards: The Origins of the Occult Tarot. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd.

(3) Wang, R. (1978). An Introduction to the Golden Dawn Tarot. New York: Weiser Books.

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