Valentine’s Day is the perfect time of year to make a break from limiting self-beliefs, bad habits and negative thinking. Focusing your attention on the positive gifts of self-love can change your perspective, and inspire you to spread more love, joy and happiness in the world. The Gift Of Inner Peace People who exude a […]
Author: Ravi Kapadia
Every year on February 2nd Americans become obsessed about a small, furry hibernating creature. The Groundhog is a national legend, and the star of a Groundhog Day tradition that dates back many centuries. The annual legendary event also featured in a Hollywood movie, and the stage play is now destined for Broadway. Why Is February […]
A soul mate is a person who resonates with your soul on a deep spiritual level. This person, contrary to popular belief, isn’t necessarily someone you will fall head over heels in love with. A soul mate is someone from your soul group, who incarnates with you, so that you can learn important soul growth […]
Tasseography (or the reading of tea leaves) is an ancient method of divination that has Chinese origins. Tasseography can be practiced using tea leaves, murky coffee grounds or the residual sediment found in wine. What Is Exactly Is Tasseography? The ‘reading’ or interpretation of the patterns that are created inside a cup, by tea leaf […]
In case you weren’t aware, there is a huge human consciousness shift taking place right now. The big shift kicked off at the end of the Mayan Calendar, on December 2012. Spiritually awakened and enlightened people having been busy clearing ancestral karma and emotional baggage, in order to raise their vibration and to shine their […]
Christmas is a magical time of the year, and the perfect opportunity to make your wishes come true. If you’ve already visualised your desired outcome, and have set your wish list intentions, you may want to ramp up the manifestation magic with the help of a few potent crystals. Whatever you want to attract into […]
Life doesn’t always go to plan. Sometimes events and circumstances can cause a great upheaval that drags you off your path. Getting back on track requires some effort. With a little focus and determination however, you can get things moving in the right direction with ease. To find your way: Focus Your Mind To make […]
Most people find themselves on a career path that they didn’t actually choose or plan. In many cases circumstances, events and opportunities just seemed to show up at a particular time. Other people are luckier because they intuitively knew which career path to take. If you are at a career crossroads your zodiac sign […]
A tarot or psychic reading is far more than 20 minutes of entertainment. During the reading you are likely to receive multiple ‘gifts’ that can enrich your life experience, lighten your load and teach you a few things too. Having an open mind will help you identify these spiritual gifts so that you can use […]
Whenever we want good stuff to happen our intention is usually directed at the Universe. This higher power seemingly has the exceptional ability to give us what we desire. In truth, the Universe contains a vast number of galaxies and is all existing matter and space. It is also our soul’s guidance system, and works […]