Author: Ravi Kapadia

7 Signs You’ve Met A Soul Mate

Divine Intervention When the Universe steps in to align you with a soul mate your initial meeting will appear completely out of the blue. There may be an instant spark between you, an intense feeling of recognition, and/or a sense of divine intervention at work. You may also find that you keep bumping into this […]

The Advantages Of Topping Up Reading Credits

  A telephone psychic reading can be such a transformative and enjoyable experience that time just flies by. This popular type of psychic reading can be paid for in a number of ways. You can pay by phone, so that costs appear on your telephone bill, or via pre-paid minutes that are purchased with a […]

Do You Have What It Takes To Become A Psychic Reader?

Psychic readers and spiritual mediums have the ability to sense, feel and communicate with spiritual energies and beings. This includes the spirit of loved ones you have passed. A psychic reader provides a link to your inner wisdom, Higher Self and spirit guides and offers help, guidance and insight during a psychic reading. This service […]

Top 10 Spiritual Celebrities

  Celebrities may be famous and have more money in the bank than you, but like everyone else, they are simply seeking enlightenment and a better understanding of Self. Oprah Winfrey Multi media star and actress Oprah Winfrey has openly discussed her spiritual views and Christian religion. She has also spoken about spiritual practice at […]

Creating Your Sacred Space

We all need a special place where we can relax and unwind, and feel blessed and connected. A sacred space, that is personal to you, is your go-to place whenever you need to connect to your own inner wisdom. This is often a beautiful outdoor location in nature, or a place that is associated with […]

The Origins Of Psychic Readings

  Psychic readings have been around for centuries. In many early cultures psychics and healers were an essential part of the royal court. Psychics were consulted whenever important decisions had to made. Egyptian Priests and Priestesses who worshipped the Gods used oracles to foretell events. Weather prediction, for example, would highlight the best time to […]

The Hierophant – The Taurus Tarot Card

The Hierophant tarot card symbolises tradition, convention and conformity. It represents organised religion and traditional organisations, such as educational establishments and government. The fifth card in the tarot deck is associated with power. The Hierophant is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess, and is sometimes known as the Pope or the Shaman. The Hierophant represents […]

The Tools That Psychics Use

Professional psychic readers often use a variety of skills and tools in order to gain the most detailed information possible, when giving you a psychic or spiritual reading. Many psychic readers are clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing) and/or clairsentient (clear sensing) and use a combination of skills and modalities to communicate with the spiritual […]

The Power Of Numbers

Whether we like it or not, numbers have a huge impact in all areas of our lives. The ruling numbers that determine your birth date, and time of birth, play as important a role as the energy that is contained within the numerical value of the individual letters that make up your birth name. As […]

The Emperor – The Aries Tarot Card

The Emperor is the fourth card in the Major Arcana tarot deck and is associated with the zodiac sign of Aries, the ram. This tarot card represents the power of individuality and doing things your way. The Emperor is the powerful man of authority, who is often considered to be the father figure of the […]