Tarot has been a popular method of divination for centuries, used by millions of people worldwide to gain insights into their lives, seek answers to pressing questions, and find guidance through the mysteries of life. At its core, Tarot is a profound conversation with the divine, a dialogue that invites us to tap into the […]
“The only thing that stands between you and a miracle is your willingness to believe.” This profound statement by the renowned American self-help author and motivational speaker Wayne Dyer sheds light on the incredible power that our beliefs hold over our lives. Time and time again, we’ve heard of miracles happening, events that defy the […]
“Tarot is the whisper of our intuition, speaking through symbols and inviting us to listen.” – Barbara Moore This quote beautifully encapsulates the essence of tarot – an ancient practice that invites us to dive deep into our intuition and unlock hidden truths about ourselves and the world around us. The language of tarot is […]
Introduction Brief history of Tarot Tarot has a rich and mysterious history that dates back to the 14th century. The earliest known Tarot decks, such as the Visconti-Sforza deck, were created for Italian nobility and featured four suits—cups, coins, swords, and batons—along with a set of 22 illustrated, allegorical cards known as trumps, or the […]
For centuries, tarot cards have captivated seekers of wisdom and self-discovery. As a powerful tool for introspection, tarot allows us to tap into the ancient wisdom of the universe and align ourselves with the mysteries of our existence. Through its symbolic language, tarot encourages us to trust in the power of our intuition and the […]
Easter is around the corner and in the shops we see the classic Easter holiday symbol the Bunny rabbit, but where did the symbol come from? The meaning of different Easter traditions have been forgotten over time with a lot of the roots being Pre-Christianity, the Holiday by many is regarded as a celebration of […]
Each season brings with it certain changes, and a psychic reading can help you face these with a fresh look and renewed strength
We can bring about feelings of good luck in many ways, such as surrounding ourselves with symbols of good luck.
LIGHT: (mass NOUN) The natural agent that stimulates sight & makes things visible; a source of illumination. ENLIGHTENMENT: (mass NOUN) Spiritual illumination by divine truth. Visible light is electromagnetic radiation that falls within the response range of the human retina (between 390 nm violet light and 740 nm red light). The difference between coloured light […]
What does “Tarot” mean? •”Tarot” could be a derivative of the Ancient Egyptian God “Thoth”, God of Magic and Words. Tarot is often referred to as “the royal road to wisdom” which derives from the ancient Egyptian words “tar” (royal) and “ro” (road). •Some suggest that “tarot” is a play on the word “Torah”, the […]