What Is Kundalini?

We all have the spiritual opportunity to be fully connected to the Source of all life. The subtle energy systems in the body are what give us life, and this Divine consciousness has two different names: active chetana (known as vital energy or prana) and non-active chetana (known as kundalini). Vital energy (active chetana) sustains […]

Justice – The Libra Tarot Card

The Justice tarot card is ruled by the zodiac sign of Libra and is the 11th card in the tarot deck. The tarot card features the authoritative female figure of Justice, cloaked in red and seated in a chair, positioned between two pillars. She holds a double-edged sword in one hand, and scales in the […]

The Scary Tarot Cards – What They Really Mean

Tarot cards are popular divination tools that are sometimes associated with the darkness of the Occult. The highly decorative illustrated cards, of some tarot decks, feature dark, eerie and spooky images that may make you recoil in fear. Tarot card artistry is open to personal interpretation and can often have a profound effect on the […]

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah

The festival of Rosh Hashanah is observed on 3 October, this year, and is a two-day celebration of the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve. The celebration takes place on the first day of the Jewish New Year, and emphasises the special connection and relationship between Divinity and humanity. New Year Declarations In […]

Red Hot Tarot Cards For Love

Love is what makes life worth living. You can never have enough love in your life and relationships, and there are a number of tarot cards that clearly identify and represent this. When any, or all, of these love themed tarot cards show up in your reading you can expect love to take centre stage […]

What Is Psychic Dependency?

Psychic dependency is an unhealthy habit that is very easy to develop. Insightful psychic readings can become an addictive experience, particularly when you are seeing little positive progress in your personal life. Our fast paced lifestyle further fuses our desire to seek an immediate quick ‘fix’ whenever possible, and easily accessible psychic readings easily feed […]

The Law of One

Universal Spiritual Laws are the rules that can be applied to everything in the Universe. These Laws can be divided into four categories: the Basic Laws of Life, the Laws of Creation, the Laws of Higher Awareness and the Laws of Higher Frequency. The Law of One falls in the last category and governs complete […]

How To Make Positive Changes

There are countless ways in which you can introduce a little more positivity into your life on a daily basis. You do not need to give your life a complete overhaul or makeover to experience the beneficial outcome. Instead, aim to start by limiting negativity and making one positive change every day. 10 Easy Ways […]