The traditional 78-card Tarot deck is full of deeply rooted meanings and symbolism that is associated with specific times of the year. The primary tarot card that is linked to summer, and the astrological signs of Cancer and Leo, is the Page of Wands. The Sun and the Chariot tarot cards also symbolise the spirituality […]
Keep your cool this summer by becoming more conscious of your inner being. Whilst everyone around you gets hot and bothered you can indulge in some refreshing spiritual exploration that will deepen your connection with your self and the Universe. Spiritual growth is the key to living a happier and more harmonious life. It […]
The summer solstice occurs this year on 21 June, when the sun is at its highest point in the Northern Hemisphere sky. This Midsummer’s day has the longest period of sunlight and is also the longest day of the year. The word ‘solstice’ comes from the Latin ‘solstitium’ (or ‘sol’ meaning sun) and ‘stitium’ (meaning […]
There is an abundance of information available on the Law of Attraction and what it can and cannot deliver to you. Books, films and personal development courses and seminars state wild claims of the ways in which you can instantly attract love, money and fast cars into your life simply by wishing that it is […]
From reading private thoughts to knowing things they shouldn’t signs your child is Psychic
If you are born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Sheep (also referred to as Goat or Ram) you have a calm and dependable nature.# Sheep are well mannered, sincere, intelligent and creative and like to spend time carefully analysing things before coming up with thoughtful ideas. Sheep often hide their natural charm and […]
Valentine’s Day is an annual celebration adored by lovers and endured by everyone else. The long celebrated romantic event takes place on February 14th and is believed to honour three martyred saints named Valentine or Valentinus. One legendary tale claims that an imprisoned Valentine sent the first “valentine” greeting after falling in love with his […]
121 Tarot Reading’s has put together a little guide to the sensual zodiac. Aries – 21st March – 19th April (Tarot Card the Emperor) For a Valentine’s Day never to be forgotten – the Aries Lover is ruled by the Emperor Card. Let your Valentine express their knowledge and experience in the bedroom – […]
Known as the month that represents love, February focuses our attention on love and romance. During this time your perception on what love means will depend on whether or not you’re happy and in love, miserable in a relationship or single and looking for love. Regardless of your personal experience love is a heartfelt emotion […]
Capricorn (1-2-1 Tarot) 10th sign of the Zodiac, Cardinal Element Earth, Tarot Significators The Devil & The World 3 Card Reading – Rider Waite Tarot Pack Capricorns can expect to have a year filled with opportunity and chance coming their way. The First card out of the Pack is the card of the Magician. The […]