Not everyone appreciates the latest hot gadget or state-of-the-art techy Christmas gift, no matter how beautifully wrapped it is. Gift giving, in a spiritual way, shows gratitude for the individual gift recipient and that you acknowledge their divine uniqueness. Choosing spiritual gifts is a great way to encourage mindfulness, gratitude and wellbeing, and to […]
Author: Ravi Kapadia
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to celebrate Christmas surrounded by friends, family and loved ones. There are many people who spend this seasonal time alone, whether through personal choice or circumstances. Going solo at Christmas doesn’t have to mean that you miss out on the spirit of the season. Celebration for one […]
Gratitude puts everything into fresh perspective. The attitude of gratitude enables us to identify and acknowledge the many blessings all around us. The more ways we find to give thanks, the greater the amount of things that we find to be grateful for. Being grateful and giving thanks takes practice. The more it is done, […]
The 5th of November has traditionally been a night to celebrate Guy Fawkes being caught in the Gunpowder plot . The tradition of the bonfires in local down squares is said to have began the same year as the failed coup, and progressed over the yea rs to effigy being burnt on the bonfire and now […]
Ghosts, spirits and things that go bump in the night hold a mysterious fascination for many people. The mysteries of the psychic and spiritual realms, and non-physical supernatural worlds, scare us yet also captivate our imagination. For a better understanding of all extraordinary spooky things check our guide: Ghosts are spiritual presences that usually take […]
Halloween is synonyms with spooky tales and stories about things that go bump in the night. October 31st is the time when ghosts, spirits and other unworldly beings supposedly get up to mischief. Whilst many people delight in spooky and scary stuff connecting with the spirit of the departed is no laughing matter. For most […]
Esra Uyrun of Clondalkin, West Dublin, vanished without a trace in February of 2011 and has been missing ever since. Her sister Berna – who now lives in London – has never given up hope. In the years since her disappearance, Berna has led a tireless campaign to determine exactly what happened to her sister. […]
Although psychic and tarot readings are hugely popular not everyone has the same requirements and expectations of a psychic or spiritual reading. There are many people who prefer to choose a clairvoyant reading whenever they need insight, information and guidance. What Is A Clairvoyant? A clairvoyant is someone who receives visual information intuitively. […]
If you are considering consulting a psychic or spiritual reader it is worthwhile taking a moment to understand what your needs are. Knowing what you want to gain insight and information on will help you decide what type of reading you should choose. Specific types of psychic and spiritual readings can provide accurate information […]
Many people seek guidance and clarity from a tarot reading when they are experiencing hurt, pain, confusion and frustration in matters of the heart and love and relationships. The love and relationship reading is the most common request that any spiritual or psychic reader receives. The Benefits Of A Love Tarot Reading A love tarot […]